What a month. Haley's school let out and they have stayed busy for the summer. She and her other teacher friends have play days 3 times a week. The zoo, parks, pools, movies, library, sprinklers, tea parties and more. For our family vacation we went to SanDestin , FL with the Till's. We stayed at the Luau and walked to the beach and rode the bus to baytowne wharf. The girls had a blast and Latika really saved us some cash. Thanks Till's.
The highlight of this summer has to be Shalyn's Dentist visit. She loved our dentist and put on some cool glasses that her friend salena gave her. No cavities. Dr. David gave her a blue toothbrush and big girl toothpaste. woohoo.
Hector picked up the nephews for our week of fun. Adventure landing, beach, universal, bowling, and a jax suns baseball game.
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