We are extremely excited about our son Canyon Jack Alvarado...
born Sept 6th, 2008 @ 8:05pm
6lbs. 10ounces and 20inches long
His name means so much to our family and we hope that no one gets the
nerve to call him cj, haha. Canyon is what Shalyn would have been named if she
were a boy. Haley and I went out to visit the beautiful Grand Canyon for our
2nd year anniversary. If you remember we brought back Grand Canyon photos & one picture announced our 1st pregnancy. Jack is Haley's fathers nickname.
Haley went into finally felt her contractions throughout the day and we went into the hospital around 4pm. Next thing you know we had a beautiful baby boy. Yes Meredy, Michelle, Shalyn, & Brian Till you were right. And kudos to Latika for being spot on with the time of delivery.
More photos to come.
I'm so excited!!!!! It's a boy! Shalyn's a big sister! Wow! Wow! Wow! Haley, you are the best looking "just gave birth" mom I have ever seen! People like you should have a dozen kids!!! Can't wait to to see Shalyn's little brother!!! Wow! Wow! Wow!
I'm thrilled to hear the great news! Hooray for a boy...don't get caught off-guard when changing diapers! And how perfect, he came out just in time for the start of the Gator game. :-) Elizabeth
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